CLAT Exam Pattern 2026 Check Marking Scheme & Marks Weightage

The CLAT Consortium of NLUs changed the CLAT exam pattern again for UG and PG courses. The test will be conducted in online mode. The CLAT exam will have multiple choice-type questions from comprehension-based passages. The CLAT PG program will have 120 MCQs to be answered in 120 minutes.

CLAT 2026 Registration Dates are out. Check how to apply CLAT Application Process.

CLAT Exam Pattern 2026 [New]

The recent changes in the CLAT exam will include reducing the number of questions from 200 to 150. The questions will be asked from the Quantitative Techniques, English, Current Affairs, Deductive Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning sections. Also, the conducting body has removed the descriptive section from the CLAT PG exam pattern. Download CLAT Syllabus PDF.

CLAT 2026 Latest Updates

  • The number of questions asked in the PG program is reduced to 120 from 150. There will be paragraphs of 450 words each, and 4-5 MCQs will follow each one.
  • This reduction in the number of questions is because “asking students to answer 200 questions in 120 minutes is not right as it puts students under a lot of mental stress” said Prof. Faizan Mustafa, Vice-Chancellor, NALSAR.
  • The questions asked in CLAT-UG program will be of the 12th standard level.
  • The quantitative aptitude section will be of the 10th standard level.
  • In the CLAT PG program, there are 120 MCQs, the descriptive section and cut-off bar are removed.
  • The CLAT 2026 exam pattern changes are done because of the COVID situation in the country. Check CLAT Preparation Tips.

[Download Free Study Material For CLAT 2026 by LegalEdge]

CLAT Exam Pattern 2026 Highlights

Category Details
Exam Common-Law Admission Test (CLAT)
Abbreviated Name CLAT
Exam Date Updated Soon
Duration 2 hours
Mode Offline
Type of Questions Multiple Type Questions (MCQs) from given passages
Number of Questions


Undergraduate Exam (BA LLB) – 150 multiple choice type questions.

Postgraduate Exam (LLM) – 120 questions.

Language English
Total Marks


UG – 120 marks

PG – 120 marks

Marking scheme


Each objective question (both UG and PG) will carry 1 mark. An incorrect question will invite a penalty of 0.25 marks.

In the PG exam, there won’t be any descriptive section.

Read More: How To Prepare For CLAT Legal Aptitude

CLAT Syllabus 2026

UG Program PG Program
English (Comprehension & grammar-based) Law of Torts
Legal Aptitude Family Law
Logical Reasoning Criminal Law
Elementary Mathematics (Including Numerical Ability) International Law
General Knowledge and Current Affairs Property Law
Law of Contracts
Intellectual Property Law

Read More: How To Prepare For CLAT English Comprehension

CLAT Sectional Weightage 2026

With the latest changes introduced in the CLAT 2026 exam, there are changes introduced in the subject-wise marks distribution. The section-wise marks distribution is given below:

Subjects Number of Questions Percentage Weightage
English (Comprehension & grammar-based) 22-26 questions 20%
Legal Aptitude/ Reasoning 28-32 questions 25%
Logical Reasoning 22-26 questions 20%
Quantitative Techniques(Elementary Mathematics, Including Numerical Ability) 10-14 questions 10%
General Knowledge and Current Affairs 28-32questions 25%

Read More: How To Prepare For CLAT Logical Reasoning

CLAT Marking Scheme 2026

The marking scheme of the CLAT 2026 exam will remain the same as earlier. This means:

  • For each correct answer, one mark is awarded.
  • For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total score.
  • For no questions attempted, no marks will be awarded or deducted.

Marks Distribution for CLAT PG program

Subjects Number of MCQs Marks
Constitutional Law 60 60
Other Law Subjects including Contracts, tort, Criminal Law, International Law, IPR, and Jurisprudence. 60 60
Total 120 120

Importance of CLAT Exam Pattern 2026

It is very important to know the CLAT paper pattern before the candidate starts his/her exam preparation. The below points will brief about the importance of the CLAT exam pattern 2026:

  • If the candidate is aware of the exam pattern while preparing, then he/she can be time-efficient. The exam pattern will have detailed information about the CLAT exam which helps the students to structure their preparation and revise well. Download CLAT Sample Papers PDF.
  • With the exam pattern, the candidates can structure their preparation. With the help of structure, the candidates can evaluate their strong and weak points. The candidates can also improve their time management skills.

CLAT Exam Pattern 2026 FAQs

Q). How many questions will be asked in the CLAT UG Program?

A). According to the latest update, there will be 150 questions in the CLAT UG program.

Q). How many NLUs will be participating in the CLAT 2026 exam?

A). 22 NLUs will be participating in the CLAT 2026 exam.

Q). How many questions will be asked in the CLAT PG Program?

A). According to the latest update, there will be 120 questions in the CLAT PG program.

Q). Is there any negative marking in the CLAT 2026 exam?

A). For each correct answer, 1 mark will be awarded and for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Q). What is the mode of the CLAT 2026 exam?

A). CLAT 2026 exam will be conducted in the online mode.

Q). In this COVID-19 pandemic, how will the CLAT 2026 exam be conducted?

A). In the COVID-19 situation, the exam will be held in a Socially Distanced Computer-Based Test (SDCBT) mode.

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