CAT Exam Syllabus 2024 Download PDF [Important Topics]

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a vital entrance exam of the admissions process for India’s top management institutes. To secure a coveted spot in these prestigious institutions, it is essential to understand the intricacies of the CAT Exam syllabus and prepare accordingly. Aspiring MBA candidates from across the country gear up for this challenging exam, which tests their aptitude in various subjects.

The CAT Exam consists of three sections:

  • Quantitative Ability (QA)
  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)

In this blog, we will delve into the key subjects of the CAT exam and discuss strategies to excel in each one.

CAT Exam Syllabus 2024 Important Topics

Section Important topics
Quantitative Ability (QA) Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Mensuration
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) Para jumbles, Summary Based Questions, Sentence exclusion question, RC passages
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) Seating Arrangement, Reasoning Based DI, Grid-Based DI, Graphs. Tables, Data Caselets

CAT Syllabus 2024 : Quantitative Ability

The Quantitative Ability section evaluates your mathematical and problem-solving skills. This section covers various topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, number system, probability, and statistics. To excel in this section, develop a strong foundation in basic mathematical concepts, practice solving quantitative problems of varying difficulty levels, and enhance your speed and accuracy through regular practice.

CAT Syllabus 2024: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section evaluates your command over the English language and your ability to comprehend and analyze written passages. This section includes questions on various topics, such as reading comprehension, critical reasoning, para-jumbles, and vocabulary. To perform well in this section, focus on improving your reading speed, enhancing your vocabulary, and developing strong analytical skills.

CAT Syllabus 2024: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning require a combination of analytical thinking, logical reasoning, and numerical skills. This section assesses your ability to interpret complex data sets, calculate accurately, and draw logical conclusions. To excel in this section, practice solving a variety of data interpretation and logical reasoning problems, develop mental agility and hone your decision-making abilities.

CAT Exam Marking Scheme 2024

The CAT exam follows a specific marking scheme that determines the scoring pattern for correct and incorrect answers. It is important for candidates to understand the marking scheme to make informed decisions during the exam.

Candidates are awarded a certain number of marks for each correct answer, typically between 3 marks. However, for each incorrect answer, there is a negative marking of one mark. The exact deduction for incorrect answers may vary, but it is typically around 1 mark. It is essential to note that unanswered questions do not attract positive or negative marks.

CAT Exam Sectional Weightage 2024

The sectional weightage of the CAT exam is as follows:

Sections No of Questions
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension 24
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning 20
Quantitative Ability 22
Total 66

How to Prepare for CAT Exam 2024

To excel in the CAT exam, candidates should follow a structured study plan and adopt effective preparation strategies. Here are some tips to help candidates in their CAT preparation:

1 Understand the syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the CAT exam syllabus and the topics covered in each section. Create a study plan accordingly.

2 Study materials and resources: Choose reliable study materials, reference books, and online resources to enhance your understanding of the subjects. Online courses and video tutorials can also be helpful.

3 Mock tests and practice papers: Regularly solve mock tests and practice papers to assess your preparation level and identify areas that require improvement. Analyze your performance and work on your weak areas.

4 Time management: Develop effective time management skills to optimize your performance during the exam. Practice solving questions within the given time limits and learn to prioritize questions based on difficulty level.

5 Seek guidance and mentorship: Join coaching classes or seek guidance from experienced mentors who can provide valuable insights and strategies for the CAT exam. Interact with fellow aspirants to exchange ideas and tips.

Success in the CAT Exam requires diligent preparation, a strong conceptual understanding, and strategic time management. By thoroughly understanding the exam syllabus and following a structured study plan, you can enhance your chances of securing an excellent score. Remember, consistent practice, determination, and a positive mindset are essential ingredients for achieving your MBA aspirations.

CAT Exam Syllabus 2024 FAQs

Q Can I clear the CAT exam by studying only specific sections?

A No, it is not advisable to neglect any section of the CAT exam. Each section contributes to the overall score, and a balanced preparation strategy is essential to perform well in all sections.

Q: How often should I solve mock tests during CAT preparation?

A Regularly solving mock tests is crucial for evaluating your progress, identifying weaknesses, and improving your performance. Aim to solve at least one mock test every week and increase the frequency as the exam approaches.

Q What are the different sections in the CAT exam?

The CAT exam consists of three main sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA).

Q How can I excel in the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section?

A: To excel in the VARC section, focus on improving your reading speed and comprehension skills. Practice reading various genres of texts and solve comprehension exercises regularly.

Q: What topics are covered in the Quantitative Ability (QA) section?

A: The QA section covers topics such as arithmetic, algebra, number systems, geometry, mensuration, probability, permutation and combination, and time, speed, and distance.


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