How To Get Good Score in CAT Exam 2024???

If you aspire to pursue an MBA from a premier business school in India, the Common Admission Test (CAT) is likely on your radar. Scoring well in the CAT is a stepping stone to institutions like the IIMs and many other reputed business schools. But the path to a good CAT score isn’t a mere walk in the park. This article, penned by an experienced CAT faculty, delves deep into strategies and expert tips to aid you in this endeavour. Buckle up and read on to optimize your preparation!

How To Get a Good Score in CAT Exam 2024 [Expert Tips]


1. Understand the CAT Format:

Before diving into the vast ocean of CAT preparation, it’s paramount to familiarize yourself with the format. The CAT exam primarily consists of three sections:

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • Quantitative Ability (QA)

Each section comes with its challenges, and understanding these is the first step towards a targeted preparation strategy.

2. Draft a Study Plan:

Preparation without a plan is like sailing without a compass. It’s crucial to:

  • Set clear goals: Define what a ‘good score’ means for you.
  • Prioritize: Depending on your strengths and weaknesses, give more time to areas that require improvement.
  • Stick to a schedule: Consistency is key.

3. Invest in Quality Study Material:

There’s a plethora of CAT preparation books and online resources available. However, it’s quality over quantity. Stick to renowned sources and take mock tests that mimic the real CAT environment.

4. Strengthen Your Basics:

The CAT isn’t just about advanced problems. Often, questions are concept-based. Hence, reinforcing basics, especially in Quant and Verbal, is pivotal.

5. Practice Regularly:

Regular practice can’t be emphasized enough.

  • Timed Practice: Occasionally, practice under timed conditions. This builds speed and accuracy.
  • Analyze: After every mock test, analyze your mistakes. Understanding where you went wrong is more important than the practice itself.

6. Work on Time Management:

In the CAT, it’s not just about getting the right answer but getting it efficiently. Allocate time judiciously across sections, ensuring you attempt many questions from each section.

7. Improve Reading Speed and Comprehension:

For VARC, being a voracious reader helps. Regularly reading diverse genres enhances vocabulary and comprehension. Furthermore, practising RC passages daily will aid in skimming through passages quickly during the exam.

8. Stay Updated with Current Affairs:

While CAT is not a general knowledge test, being updated with current events helps form perspectives for Group Discussions and Personal Interviews post the written test.

9. Mental and Physical Health:

A stressed mind and tired body can be the biggest impediments. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can do wonders. Meditation and short breaks also aid in maintaining focus.

10. Join a Study Group:

Discussing problems and solutions with peers can offer new perspectives and methods. It also keeps motivation levels high.

11. Seek Mentorship:

If possible, seek guidance from faculty or mentors. Their experience can provide insights into common pitfalls and effective strategies.

12. Don’t Overdo It:

Last-minute cramming or overloading yourself with excessive mock tests can be counterproductive. Resting your mind and approaching the test with a fresh mindset is essential.


Achieving a good score in the CAT exam requires a combination of consistent preparation, strategy, and the right mindset. While the journey might seem arduous, remember that every challenge prepares you for the CAT and the demanding business administration world. Keep your goals in sight, stay motivated, and success will be yours!

FAQs on How To Get Good Score in CAT Exam 2024

What is the CAT exam?

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a premier entrance exam in India, primarily for admission into MBA programs at top business schools like the IIMs.

How many sections does the CAT exam have?

The CAT exam consists of three main sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA).

Why is a study plan essential for CAT preparation?

A study plan provides direction, ensures consistency, and helps prioritize areas based on strengths and weaknesses, making the preparation more structured and efficient.

Are there any specific books or resources you recommend for CAT preparation?

While the article emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity, specific resources weren't listed. However, many renowned CAT preparation books and online platforms are available, and it's recommended to choose based on personal preference and research.

How does being updated with current affairs help in CAT preparation?

While the CAT doesn't test general knowledge directly, being informed about current events can be beneficial for Group Discussions and Personal Interviews that follow the written exam.

How important is time management in the CAT exam?

Time management is crucial. It's not just about getting the right answer, but doing so efficiently. Proper allocation of time across sections can impact the number of questions you attempt and your overall score.

How can I improve my reading speed for the VARC section?

Regular reading of diverse genres, practicing RC passages daily, and actively trying to increase your reading speed and comprehension can be beneficial.

Should I seek mentorship for CAT preparation?

If possible, yes. Guidance from experienced faculty or mentors can offer valuable insights, strategies, and can help avoid common pitfalls in preparation.

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