CAT Exam Cut off 2024 [Section Wise Cut OFF]

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is the premier entrance exam for aspiring business professionals in India who seek admission into the esteemed Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other top business schools. A high score can open doors to the best MBA programs in the country.

CAT Exam Cut off  are the benchmark scores, usually expressed in percentiles, that institutions use to shortlist candidates for the next stages of the selection process. They play a pivotal role in determining who moves ahead in the race for a coveted seat at a top B-school.

CAT Exam Cut off 2024

Over the past ten years, cut-offs for top IIMs have mostly revolved around the 95th to 99th percentile for General Category students. However, fluctuations occur yearly due to paper difficulty, number of test-takers, and individual institutional criteria.

Variations in cut-offs can be attributed to changes in exam patterns, difficulty levels, and the overall performance of aspirants in a given year.

CAT Section-Wise Cut Off 2024 Expected

Besides overall cut-offs, institutions may have sectional cut-offs to ensure a balanced performance across all test sections.Check the expected cut-off in VARC, DILR and QA sections. 

Section 99.5%tile 99%tile 95%tile 90%tile
Overall 108 95 68 58
VARC 47 38 29 24
DILR 37 30 22 20
QA 46 37 27 21

Read More: How To Get Good Score in CAT Exam 2024?

Factors Determining CAT Exam Cut Off 2024

1 Difficulty Level of the Exam: One of the most significant factors, the overall difficulty level of the CAT paper can cause cut-offs to vary from one year to the next. A tougher paper usually means lower cut-offs and vice-versa.

2 Number of Test-Takers: The total number of candidates appearing for the exam also influences the cut-off. More candidates might mean stiffer competition and potentially higher cut-offs.

3 Number of Seats Available: Each IIM and participating B-school has a fixed number of seats for their MBA program. If an institution has fewer seats, the cut-off may be higher.

4 Performance of Test-Takers: If a larger number of candidates perform exceptionally well in a particular year, cut-offs could rise. Conversely, if the general performance is lower, cut-offs might drop.

5 Institutional Reputation and Ranking: Premier institutions like IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, or Calcutta tend to have higher cut-offs compared to newer or less renowned IIMs or other B-schools.

6 Reservation Policies: Indian educational institutions have reservation policies for categories like SC, ST, OBC, and EWS. Each category might have its specific cut-off, which can be different from the general category cut-off.

7 Sectional Cut Offs: Apart from the overall cut-off, institutes often have sectional cut-offs to ensure that candidates have a balanced performance across all sections of the CAT paper. If a particular section of the paper is deemed especially challenging in a given year, the sectional cut-off for that segment might be adjusted accordingly.

8 Past Year Cut-Off Trends: Previous year cut-offs serve as a reference point. While they don’t directly determine the current year’s cut-off, they provide an insight into what can be expected, especially if other factors remain relatively constant.

In Conclusion, while CAT Exam cut offs are pivotal, it’s essential to view them as part of a more extensive journey. Your profile, preparation, and strategy play equally crucial roles in securing that coveted B-school seat.

Read More: Is CAT Exam 2024 Tough?

CAT Exam Cut Off FAQs

Q: What is the CAT exam cut-off?

A:The CAT exam cut-off is the minimum percentile score candidates must achieve to be considered for the next round of the MBA selection process in various B-schools.

Q:Is the cut-off the same for all IIMs?

A:No, each IIM has its own cut-off criteria, which can vary based on the institution's specific requirements and the performance of that year's candidates.

Q: How is the cut-off determined?

A: The cut-off is influenced by factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates, and the overall performance of the test-takers in a given year.

Q: Are there separate cut-offs for different categories?

A:Yes, due to reservation policies in India, there are category-specific cut-offs for categories like SC, ST, OBC, and others.

Q: Are there sectional cut-offs in the CAT exam?

A: Yes, most B-schools, including the IIMs, have sectional cut-offs. This means candidates need to score above a certain percentile in each section of the CAT exam.


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