How To Prepare For Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025

The candidates who are aspiring to apply for the Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025 take a look at the Bihar Judiciary Preparation to continue their preparation more effectively for Bihar Judiciary Vacancies. Here we have mentioned all the strategies and tricks to prepare for each section of the exam, including the books and links of the mock test series for the practice.

How to Prepare for Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025

  • The authorities have postponed the Bihar Judiciary Exam Date. The exam is expected to be held on 6th November 2025.
  • For Bihar Judicial Services Exam Preparation, aspirants should have made a proper schedule and planned the strategy.
  • There are multiple sample papers available online. Download them to do practice for Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025.
  • For the section General Knowledge, mostly questions will be asked from the latest news related to the State of Nations. Try to read the editor section of newspapers and magazines.
  • To be a part of the Bihar Judiciary, candidates need to clear three rounds as a Bihar Judiciary Selection Process- Prelims Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview (Vice-Voce).

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Bihar Judiciary Exam Pattern 2025

It is a must to know the Bihar Judiciary Exam Pattern before starting preparing for the exam. It helps the candidate to understand the marking scheme of all the stages of the exam. Check the complete exam pattern below. Also, download the Bihar judiciary syllabus PDF

Prelims Exam

In the table, we have mentioned the marking scheme for Paper I and Paper-II both. These are the two main topics from which questions are asked. The objective-type questions (MCQs) will be asked in Bihar Judiciary Prelims Exam.

Paper Subject Marks
Paper 1 General Studies 100 marks
Paper 2 Law 150 marks

Mains Exam

  • General Hindi and English papers are qualifying in nature.
  • Aspirants need to secure a minimum of 30 marks in the below papers to clear the Mains exam.
  • The marks of these two papers (Gen Hindi and English) will not be counted for the final merit list.
Subjects Total Marks
General Knowledge including current affairs 150
Elementary General Science 100
General Hindi 100
General English 100
Law of Evidence and Procedure 150

Here are five optional subjects mentioned from which candidates need to choose any three subjects for the exam-

  • Constitution and Administrative Law of India
  • Hindu Law and Muhammadan Law
  • Law of Transfer of Property and Principle of Equity, Law of Trust and Specific Relief
  • Law of Contract and Torts
  • Commercial Law

Vice-Voce (Interview)

  • The applicants who clear the Mains Exam of Bihar Judiciary will be invited for the Vice-Voce (personal interview) round consisting of 100 marks.
  • It is mandatory to score 35% marks in the Vice-Voce to be part of Bihar High Court.
  • The Bihar Judiciary final list will be made based on the mains exam and interview process.

How To Crack Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025

It takes time to clear any of the judiciary exams conducted by the state’s high court of the country. Sometimes, a candidate fails to secure the minimum qualifying score in the exam. Then the question comes: How To Crack Bihar Judiciary Exam? To know the answer read the following points. Also, check the Bihar judiciary books list.

Before going to the points, try to remind a few things in the mind while doing Bihar Judicial Services Preparation-

  1. Be updated with the latest current events going around the world. Read Newspapers and magazines daily that will help to increase current affairs knowledge.
  2. Don’t study new or large topics in the last few days before the Bihar Judiciary Exam.
  3. Get rid of fear or nervousness.
  4. Being calm & stress-free helps concentrate well in the exam hall.

Be Familiarized with Syllabus & Exam pattern

This is the most important point before starting the Bihar Judiciary Exam Preparation. Candidates should have good insight into both.

Whereas the Prelims Exam consists of Paper I, and Paper II, and the Mains Exam contains five subjects. Also, they have an option to select three topics out of five optional topics other than the necessary subjects.

Time Management

  • Make a proper schedule or timetable, which helps manage the time and prepare for each topic properly.
  • Manage the time in a way you can cover all topics in lease time.
  • Schedule study time during the fruitful time of the day. Early morning is the best time for some students, while some other students are night owls. So, manage the time and schedule for the Bihar Judicial Services Preparation accordingly.

Study Materials

There are various books available for one subject in the market, which may confuse candidates while choosing. Here are a few tips for picking up the correct book for preparing-

  1. Check all the topics of the syllabus are available in the book or not.
  2. There are many books available. Go with the latest version of the book with renowned authors.
  3. Choose the books in which the previous year’s question paper and sample papers help to do practice for the exam.

Doubt Sessions and Revision

  1. Revise the subjects and topics daily.
  2. Note down the topics in which doubts are coming and take the subject expert person’s help related to it.
  3. Create notes on important topics learned that aspirants could use to revise before the exam by evaluating the previous year’s questions.
  4. Try to resolve to doubt in the time period of the doubt session. Don’t expand it.

Focus on Complex Topics

Give more time and focus on difficult topics. Practice more and more questions related to the difficult topic to make it easy by practicing.

Remember to take short breaks while studying to make yourself fresh and more focused.

Online Platforms

Aspirants can do Bihar Judiciary Online Preparation with the help of many coaching institutes available online. They have various distinctive features for the candidates that help in preparation more wisely.

Apart from the institutes, there are many sample papers and previous years’ question papers are available on the internet, which helps to know the Bihar Judiciary Exam and marking scheme level.

Online Mock Test Series

Bihar Judiciary Mock Test Series are available online to know how much the Bihar Judicial Services Exam Preparation is done by yourself. Candidates can do self-tests by checking their marks in mock test series.

Solving the mock test series helps candidates increase the speed and accuracy of solving questions.

Bihar Judiciary Preparation FAQs

Q) What is the new exam date for Bihar Judiciary Prelims Exam?

A) The Bihar Judiciary Prelims exam is expected to conduct on 6th December 2020. Previously, the exam date for the prelim’s exam was 9th August 2020. Due to some reason, Bihar High Court had to postpone the exam.

Q) How many stages do candidates have to clear for Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025?

A) There are three rounds of candidates need to clear to be a part of the Bihar High Court- Prelims Exam, Mains Exam, and Interview (Vice-Voce). Click Here (Link of Selection Process) to know detailed information about the Bihar Judicial Selection Process.

Q) How to prepare for the General Knowledge section of the Bihar Judiciary Exam 2025?

A) Aspirants preparing to appear in the Bihar High Court are suggested to prepare for the General Knowledge section of the exam by reading daily newspapers and magazines, especially the editor section.

Q) From where I can download the Bihar Judiciary Admit Card 2025?

A) The Bihar Judiciary Admit Card 2025 will be released two weeks (15 days) before the exam date. Candidates can check on the BPSC official website of the Bihar High Court to get the exam updates and download the call letter.

Q) Where are sample papers available for the Bihar Judiciary Preparation?

A) For Bihar Judicial Services Exam Preparation, the sample papers are available on the internet. Several institutes uploaded the sample papers and previous year papers on their websites. Candidates can easily download them online to do practice for the exam.

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